Nigel Morris

Senior Principal Research Scientist



Nigel Morris is a Senior Principal Research Scientist at Autodesk Research in Toronto, Canada. His research focuses on pushing forward generative design using high-performance computing, geometric algorithms, and optimization. His current focus is on generative design for real-world design assemblies. His past work on manufacturability has been highlighted in Autodesk’s research collaborations with Mercedes Grand Prix and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He was also an early driver of the Dreamcatcher project that introduced generative design in manufacturing to Autodesk. Prior to Autodesk, Nigel was Director of Computer Science at Morgan Solar Inc., where he pioneered the development of their optical design and optimization software. Nigel pursued graduate studies at the University of Toronto, where his research into 3D reconstruction and scanning of transparent objects in the field of computer vision led to his Doctorate degree in computer science.

Publications (10)



BeNTO: Beam Network Topology Optimization

We present an optimization framework that allows designers and…




GAMMA: Space Exploration Lander

Exploring new approaches to design and manufacturing processes for…



High Performance Computing

Prototyping novel parallel computing frameworks to enable the…

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