Frederik Brudy

Principal Research Scientist



Frederik Brudy is a Principal Research Scientist at Autodesk Research in Toronto, Canada. His research is broadly focused on human-computer interaction (HCI) and more specifically at the intersection of multi-device interactions (including AR/VR), group collaboration, and multi modal interactions. He is interested in how multi- and cross-device interactions shape group collaborations and vice versa, and the role of privacy within that space.

Prior to joining Autodesk, he received a PhD in Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction from University College London and a Master’s degree from University of Munich (LMU). For his PhD he designed and built cross-device interaction techniques and tools that support curation activities, and more generally knowledge work.

At Autodesk Research his research further includes using multi modal interactions and data visualization to foster more sustainable designs, understand space utilization, and overall to tell stories for and to different people.

Publications (5)




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