Nicole Carey

Senior Principal Research Scientist



Nic Carey is a Senior Principal Research Scientist in the Autodesk Robotics Laboratory. She holds a BEng (Mechatronic) and a BSc (Pure Mathematics) from the University of Adelaide, and a PhD in Biorobotic Systems (Ecology, Evolution and Systematics) from the Australian National University. She has built bespoke robots for use in ethological research across four continents, and helped create state of the art commercial androids for stage and screen. At Autodesk, her research focuses on developing adaptive autonomy for robots in real world situations, tackling challenging problems in sensing, perception, and control. She is passionate about sustainability and conservations in all domains and working toward a green, low-carbon future.

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Teaching Robots to Cooperate in Strange New Worlds

Learn how researchers at Autodesk are collaborating with NASA’s RETHI…

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